
You are MORE

You cannot do that.
You cannot go there.
You cannot say that.
You cannot think that.
You cannot.

Let’s flip the script; YOU CAN!

It is an undeniable fact that the world is overflowing with numerous voices seeking to define us. This short note will prove to be yet another voice, but it is my hope that this voice rings true with sincerity, wisdom and encouragement.

Day after day we are bombarded with societal ideals dictating who we ought to be; if we’re honest, most of the time we do not believe that we measure up. However, can I be real with you? Break the mold and be yourself! You are more than your family, your background, your social class, your education, your finances, your race, your physical attributes or your career goals. I dare say that you are even more than your mistakes, failures and regrets.


You are so much more than that.

Repeat it until you believe it.

Until you have accepted yourself, society will continue to tell you who they want you to be. I advise you to get to know the true you and then be the best version of yourself you can be. Your value does not decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth. You were created for a God-ordained purpose by a God who does not make mistakes! He created you uniquely with each of your idiosyncrasies. I can assure you that if God wanted us all to be the same, He would have made us that way — but He did not. In fact, contrary to popular opinions, those things which distinguish you are the very things He finds most enamoring. God loves you for you and He believes that you are precious, flaws and all. Take a good look at yourself and begin to see yourself the way God sees you. You are capable. You are intelligent. You are powerful. You are ambitious. You are loved. You are brave. You are significant. You are talented. You are destined for greatness. You are a child of the King.

O Lord, You have searched me and known me.
You know my sitting down and my rising up;
You understand my thought afar off.
You comprehend my path and my lying down,
And are acquainted with all my ways.
For there is not a word on my tongue,
But behold, O Lord, You know it altogether.
You have hedged me behind and before,
And laid Your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me;
It is high, I cannot attain it.
Psalm 139:1-6 (NKJV)

I implore you to trust God as you strive to be the person that He has called you to be; I promise you will not regret it.


God loves your flaws! It’s time for you to love them too.

With love,
Unique Dominique